Udagiri Sugar And Power Ltd.


Udagiri sugar and power Ltd

We are the organization with rich history, values, and the visionary leadership that drives our success.

At Udgiri Sugar & Power Ltd., we take great pride in being a leading manufacturer of cane plantation white sugar and raw sugar in India. With a strong focus on quality, innovation, and sustainability, we have gained a reputation for delivering superior products to our valued customers.

You will discover that we are committed to social responsibility, employee welfare, and community development. We strive to create a positive impact on the lives of our stakeholders, supporting the growth and well-being of our employees and the communities in which we operate.

Learn more about our products, initiatives, and the values that drive our organization. We are proud of our heritage and the positive impact we are making in the sugar industry.

India's first sugar factory to implement RPC system for reduced air pollution

We are proud to announce that we have become the first sugar factory in India to implement the revolutionary Rotary Particles Collector (RPC) system. This cutting-edge technology replaces the conventional Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) to effectively reduce air pollution and enhance our commitment to a greener future.

ESPs have long been the standard solution for controlling air pollution caused by fumes emitted from factory boilers. However, we recognized that ESPs have their limitations. Despite their installation, the visible impact on pollution control was not as significant as desired. Additionally, ESPs come with high costs, both in terms of initial investment and ongoing operation and maintenance expenses. Moreover, ESPs have a higher risk factor and have been associated with accidents in several places, resulting in human casualties.

Understanding the need for an efficient and safer alternative, we embraced the innovative RPC system. This groundbreaking technology has been developed by Sidel System, a leading organization based in the United States, specializing in pollution control systems. The design, manufacturing, erection, and commissioning of the RPC system at our factory were undertaken by Mr. Aditya Awte, Director of Ecomatrix Global Pune, a prominent expert in the field.

The RPC system boasts several advantages over ESPs, making it a game-changer in the realm of air pollution control. One of the key benefits is its ability to comply with the stringent air pollution standards set by the Union Environment Department. With the department’s guidelines stipulating that air pollution should be reduced to 50 mg/mn3, ESPs often struggle to meet this requirement. In contrast, RPC technology offers a more effective solution, ensuring compliance and minimizing air pollution levels.

The RPC system operates on a different principle compared to ESPs. It utilizes a unique rotary motion that facilitates the collection of particles and pollutants. The rotating blades inside the RPC attract and capture particulate matter, preventing its release into the atmosphere. This method not only enhances pollution control efficiency but also reduces maintenance costs associated with frequent cleaning and replacement of parts, which are common challenges faced by ESP users.

Our visionary founder, Dr. Shivajirao Kadamsar, and esteemed chairman, Dr. Rahuldada Kadam, played pivotal roles in guiding the implementation of the RPC system at Udgiri Sugar. Their unwavering commitment to environmental sustainability and the advancement of our industry inspired us to pioneer this innovative solution.

Since the installation of the RPC system, we have witnessed exceptional results. Our 75-tonne high-pressure boiler now operates seamlessly, while significantly reducing air pollution emissions. The success of the RPC system at our factory showcases the potential of this technology to revolutionize the sugar industry’s approach to pollution control.

At Udgiri Sugar, we believe that progress and environmental responsibility go hand in hand. By adopting the RPC system, we have taken a significant step towards reducing our carbon footprint and contributing to a cleaner and healthier future. This landmark achievement reinforces our commitment to sustainable practices and positions us as a trailblazer in the Indian sugar industry.

Our Vision

We envision a future where Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd. stands at the forefront of the industry, inspiring positive change and shaping the direction of the market. With our unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, stakeholder value, and technological advancements, we aim to be the preferred choice for our customers and partners.

Through our visionary leadership, we strive to transform the sugar and power sector by embracing cutting-edge technologies, implementing sustainable practices, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Our vision extends beyond mere success; it encompasses a deep-rooted desire to make a meaningful impact on the industry, society, and the environment.

Our Mission

Our Values

Achieve Unparalleled Excellence: We are driven by a mission to achieve unparalleled excellence in sugar and power production. Through the implementation of cutting-edge technologies, advanced manufacturing processes, and a skilled workforce, we aim to consistently deliver products of the highest quality, meeting and exceeding the expectations of our customers.

Foster Innovation and Continuous Improvement: As leaders, we embrace innovation and continuous improvement. We invest in research and development, exploring new techniques, methodologies, and technologies that optimize our production processes, enhance product quality, and enable us to stay at the forefront of the industry.

Drive Sustainable Practices: Environmental sustainability is at the core of our mission. We are committed to minimizing our ecological footprint and promoting sustainable practices throughout our operations. By optimizing energy efficiency, reducing waste, and embracing renewable energy sources, we strive to protect the environment and contribute to a greener future.

Lead with Integrity and Ethical Conduct: We lead by example, upholding the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and ethical conduct in all aspects of our business. Our commitment to ethical practices extends to our relationships with stakeholders, ensuring fairness, trust, and mutual respect.

Empower Our People: We recognize that our people are our greatest asset. Our mission is to empower our employees, providing them with a safe, inclusive, and nurturing work environment that encourages growth, creativity, and collaboration. Through continuous training and development programs, we equip our workforce with the skills and knowledge needed to drive our success.

Engage and Serve Our Stakeholders: As leaders, we are committed to building strong and enduring partnerships with our stakeholders. We actively engage with farmers, employees, suppliers, customers, and the communities in which we operate. By understanding their needs and expectations, we strive to deliver superior value, create shared prosperity, and make a positive impact on their lives.

Inspire Industry Advancement: We embrace our leadership position as an opportunity to inspire industry-wide advancement. Through sharing knowledge, best practices, and industry collaborations, we aim to contribute to the overall growth and development of the sugar and power sector, driving progress and raising standards.

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